Pasti sudah pada tahu kan tentang game yang satu ini yaitu, Harvest Moon Back to Nature.
Kalau PEC tau tidak?
PEC itu adalah Game Shark buat PC yaitu cara kerja nya dengan memasukkan code-code Game Shark.
Di sini tersedia beberapa code Game Shark untuk Harvest Moon Back to Nature
Nih code nya:
1.) Girls Heart Codes
A. Popuri
800786B4 FFFF
800786B4 C350
800786B4 9C40
800786B4 7530
Light Blue
800786B4 4E20
800786B4 3A98
800786B4 0001
B. Elli
80077298 FFFF
80077298 C350
80077298 9C40
80077298 7530
Light Blue
80077298 4E20
80077298 3A98
80077298 0001
C. Karen
800767A0 FFFF
800767A0 C350
800767A0 9C40
800767A0 7530
Light Blue
800767A0 4E20
800767A0 3A98
800767A0 0001
D. Ann
80076EF0 FFFF
80076EF0 C350
80076EF0 9C40
80076EF0 7530
Light Blue
80076EF0 4E20
80076EF0 3A98
80076EF0 0001
E. Mary
80077BBC C530
80077BBC 9C40
80077BBC 7530
Light Blue
80077BBC 4E20
80077BBC 3A98
80077BBC 0001
2.) Infinite Codes
Watering Can Always Full
80071A88 0064
Max Lumber
80070D38 03E7
Max Fodder
80070D3A 03E7
Max Fish Food
80070D3E 03E7
Max Chicken Feed
80070D40 03E7
Infinite Money
80071A5C FFFF
Max Money
80071A5C 967F
80071A5E 0098
Infinite Medals
80071A60 FFFF
Max Medals
80071A60 967F
80071A62 0098
Max Earnings
800711FC 967F
800711FE 0098
Zero Reduction Expenses
80071200 0000
3.) Max Level Tools
80071A40 FFFF
80071A42 FFFF
80071A44 FFFF
80071A46 FFFF
Watering Can
80071A48 FFFF
4.) Shipments
Max Amount Shipped
50001502 0000
800711C4 03E7
All Item Shipped
800711C4 03E7
800711C6 03E7
800711C8 03E7
800711CA 03E7
800711CC 03E7
800711CE 03E7
800711D0 03E7
800711D2 03E7
800711D4 03E7
800711D6 03E7
800711D8 03E7
800711DA 03E7
800711DC 03E7
800711DE 03E7
800711E0 03E7
800711E2 03E7
800711E4 03E7
800711E6 03E7
800711E8 03E7
800711EA 03E7
800711EC 03E7
5.) Item Modifier Codes
A. Equipped Items
Usable Item Slot
80071A84 0???
Slot 1
80071A90 0???
Slot 2
80071A96 0???
Slot 3
80071A9C 0???
Slot 4
80071AA2 0???
Slot 5
80071AA8 0???
Slot 6
80071AAE 0???
Slot 7
80071AB4 0???
Slot 8
80071ABA 0???
B. Rucksack Items
Item in Hand Slot
80071A8A 0???
Slot 1
80071AC0 0???
Slot 2
80071AC6 0???
Slot 3
80071ACC 0???
Slot 4
80071AD2 0???
Slot 5
80071AD8 0???
Slot 6
80071ADE 0???
Slot 7
80071AE4 0???
Slot 8
80071AEA 0???
C. Toolbox 1 Items
Slot 1
80070EC2 0???
Slot 2
80070EC8 0???
Slot 3
80070ECE 0???
Slot 4
80070ED4 0???
Slot 5
80070EDA 0???
Slot 6
80070EE0 0???
Slot 7
80070EE6 0???
Slot 8
80070EEC 0???
D. Toolbox 2 Items
Slot 1
80070EF2 0???
Slot 2
80070EF8 0???
Slot 3
80070EFE 0???
Slot 4
80070F04 0???
Slot 5
80070F0A 0???
Slot 6
80070F10 0???
Slot 7
80070F16 0???
Slot 8
80070F1C 0???
E. Toolbox 3 Items
Slot 1
80070F22 0???
Slot 2
80070F28 0???
Slot 3
80070F2E 0???
Slot 4
80070F34 0???
Slot 5
80070F3A 0???
Slot 6
80070F40 0???
Slot 7
80070F46 0???
Slot 8
80070F4C 0???
F. Toolbox 4 Items
Slot 1
80070F52 0???
Slot 2
80070F58 0???
Slot 3
80070F5E 0???
Slot 4
80070F64 0???
Slot 5
80070F6A 0???
Slot 6
80070F70 0???
Slot 7
80070F76 0???
Slot 8
80070F7C 0???
G. Toolbox 5 Items
Slot 1
80070F82 0??
Slot 2
80070F88 0???
Slot 3
80070F8E 0???
Slot 4
80070F94 0???
Slot 5
80070F9A 0???
Slot 6
80070FA0 0???
Slot 7
80070FA6 0???
Slot 8
80070FAC 0???
H. Toolbox 6 Items
Slot 1
80070FB2 0???
Slot 2
80070FB8 0???
Slot 3
80070FBE 0???
Slot 4
80070FC4 0???
Slot 5
80070FCA 0???
Slot 6
80070FD0 0???
Slot 7
80070FD6 0???
Slot 8
80070FDC 0???
I. Toolbox 7 Items
Slot 1
80070FE2 0???
Slot 2
80070FE8 0???
Slot 3
80070FEE 0???
Slot 4
80070FF4 0???
Slot 5
80070FFA 0???
Slot 6
80071000 0???
Slot 7
80071006 0???
Slot 8
8007100C 0???
J. Toolbox 8 Items
Slot 1
80071012 0???
Slot 2
80071018 0???
Slot 3
8007101E 0???
Slot 4
80071024 0???
Slot 5
8007102A 0???
Slot 6
80071030 0???
Slot 7
80071036 0???
Slot 8
8007103C 0???
6.) Max Item Modifier codes
A. Equipped Items
Usable Item Slot
80071A88 0063
Slot 1
80071A94 0063
Slot 2
80071A9A 0063
Slot 3
80071AA0 0063
Slot 4
80071AA6 0063
Slot 5
80071AAC 0063
Slot 6
80071AB2 0063
Slot 7
80071AB8 0063
Slot 8
80071ABE 0063
B. Rucksack Items
Item in Hand Slot
80071A8E 0063
Slot 1
80071AC4 0063
Slot 2
80071ACA 0063
Slot 3
80071AD0 0063
Slot 4
80071AD6 0063
Slot 5
80071ADC 0063
Slot 6
80071AE2 0063
Slot 7
80071AE8 0063
Slot 8
80071AEE 0063
C. Toolbox 1 Items
Slot 1
80070EC6 0063
Slot 2
80070ECC 0063
Slot 3
80070ED2 0063
Slot 4
80070ED8 0063
Slot 5
80070EDE 0063
Slot 6
80070EE4 0063
Slot 7
80070EEA 0063
Slot 8
80070EF0 0063
D. Toolbox 2 Items
Slot 1
80070EF6 0063
Slot 2
80070EFC 0063
Slot 3
80070F02 0063
Slot 4
80070F08 0063
Slot 5
80070F0E 0063
Slot 6
80070F14 0063
Slot 7
80070F1A 0063
Slot 8
80070F20 0063
E. Toolbox 3 Items
Slot 1
80070F26 0063
Slot 2
80070F2C 0063
Slot 3
80070F32 0063
Slot 4
80070F38 0063
Slot 5
80070F3E 0063
Slot 6
80070F44 0063
Slot 7
80070F4A 0063
Slot 8
80070F50 0063
F. Toolbox 4 Items
Slot 1
80070F56 0063
Slot 2
80070F5C 0063
Slot 3
80070F62 0063
Slot 4
80070F68 0063
Slot 5
80070F6E 0063
Slot 6
80070F74 0063
Slot 7
80070F7A 0063
Slot 8
80070F80 0063
G. Toolbox 5 Items
Slot 1
80070F86 0063
Slot 2
80070F8C 0063
Slot 3
80070F92 0063
Slot 4
80070F98 0063
Slot 5
80070F9E 0063
Slot 6
80070FA4 0063
Slot 7
80070FAA 0063
Slot 8
80070FB0 0063
H. Toolbox 6 Items
Slot 1
80070FB6 0063
Slot 2
80070FBC 0063
Slot 3
80070FC2 0063
Slot 4
80070FC8 0063
Slot 5
80070FCE 0063
Slot 6
80070FD4 0063
Slot 7
80070FDA 0063
Slot 8
80070FE0 0063
I. Toolbox 7 Items
Slot 1
80070FE6 0063
Slot 2
80070FEC 0063
Slot 3
80070FF2 0063
Slot 4
80070FF8 0063
Slot 5
80070FFE 0063
Slot 6
80071004 0063
Slot 7
8007100A 0063
Slot 8
80071010 0063
J. Toolbox 8 Items
Slot 1
80071016 0063
Slot 2
8007101C 0063
Slot 3
80071022 0063
Slot 4
80071028 0063
Slot 5
8007102E 0063
Slot 6
80071034 0063
Slot 7
8007103A 0063
Slot 8
80071040 0063
7.) Quantity Digits for Item Modifier Codes
000 - Nothing
001 - Sickle
002 - Copper Sickle
003 - Silver Sickle
004 - Gold Sickle
005 - Mystrile Sickle
006 - Hoe
007 - Copper Hoe
008 - Silver Hoe
009 - Gold Hoe
00A - Mystrile Hoe
00B - Ax
00C - Copper Ax
00D - Silver Ax
00E - Gold Ax
00F - Mystrile Ax
010 - Hammer
011 - Copper Hammer
012 - Silver Hammer
013 - Gold Hammer
014 - Mystrile Hammer
015 - Watering Can
016 - Copper Watering Can
017 - Silver Watering Can
018 - Gold Watering Can
019 - Mystrile Watering Can
01A - Milker
01B - Clippers
01C - Brush
01D - Bell
01E - Animal Medicine
01F - Cow Miracle Potion
020 - Sheep Miracle Potion
021 - Blue Feather
022 - Turnip Seeds
023 - Potato Seeds
024 - Cucumber Seeds
025 - Strawberry Seeds
026 - Cabbage Seeds
027 - Tomato Seeds
028 - Corn Seeds
029 - Onion Seeds
02A - Pumpkin Seeds
02B - Pineapple Seeds
02C - Eggplant Seeds
02D - Carrot Seeds
02E - Sweet Potato Seeds
02F - Spinach Seeds
030 - Green Pepper Seeds
031 - Moondrop Seeds
032 - Pink Cat Seeds
033 - Magic Red Seeds
034 - Toy Flower Seeds
035 - Orange Cup Seeds
036 - Grass Seeds
037 - Ocarina
038 - Fishing Rod
039 - Fishing Pole
03A - Stone
03B - Big Stone
03C - Rock
03D - Stump
03E - Branch
03F - Lumber
040 - Weeds
041 - Turnip
042 - Potato
043 - Cucumber
044 - Strawberry
045 - Cabbage
046 - Tomato
047 - Corn
048 - Onion
049 - Pumpkin
04A - Pineapple
04B - Eggplant
04C - Carrot
04D - Sweet Potato
04E - Spinach
04F - Green Pepper
050 - Grass
051 - Moon Drop Flower
052 - Pink Cat Flower
053 - Blue Magic Red Flower
054 - Red Magic Red Flower
055 - Toy Flower
056 - Orange Cup Fruit
057 - Apple
058 - Bamboo Shoot
059 - Wild Grape
05A - Mushroom
05B - Poisonous Mushroom
05C - Truffle
05D - Blue Grass
05E - Red Grass
05F - Green Grass
060 - Mystrile
061 - Orichalcum
062 - Adamantite
064 - Basket
065 - Dog Ball
066 - Coin
067 - Power Berry
068 - Fodder
069 - Chicken Feed
06A - Fodder
06B - Chicken Feed
06C - Fish Food
06D - Rucksack Level 2
06E - Rucksack Level 3
06F - PocketStation
070 - Gift Wrap
071 - Vase
072 - Knife
073 - Frying Pan
074 - Pot
075 - Mixer
076 - Whisk
077 - Rolling Pin
078 - Oven
079 - Seasoning Set
07A - Gold
07B - Silver
07C - Copper
07D - Carp Print
07E - Char Print
07F - Catfish Print
080 - Squid Print
081 - Angler Print
082 - Sea Bream
083 - Beehive
084 - Fish Food
085 - Orange Cup Fruit
086 - Egg
087 - Spa-boiled Egg
088 - Mayonnaise S
089 - Mayonnaise M
08A - Mayonnaise L
08B - Milk S
08C - Milk M
08D - Milk L
08E - Cheese S
08F - Cheese M
090 - Cheese L
091 - Wool S
092 - Wool M
093 - Wool L
094 - Yarn S
095 - Yarn M
096 - Yarn L
097 - Honey
098 - SUGDW Apple
099 - Riceballs
09A - Bread
09B - Bodigizer
09C - Bodigizer XL
09D - Turbojolt
09E - Turbojolt XL
09F - Wine
0A0 - Grape Juice
0A1 - Fish L
0A2 - Fish M
0A3 - Fish S
0A4 - Gift
0A5 - Oil
0A6 - Flour
0A7 - Curry Powder
0A8 - Set Meal
0A9 - Wild Grape Wine
0AA - Milk
0AB - Water
0AC - Snowcone
0AD - Veggie Pancake
0AE - Fried Rice
0AF - Stir Fry
0B0 - Miso Soup
0B1 - Stew
0B2 - Curry
0B3 - Salad
0B4 - Fruit Juice
0B5 - Veggie Juice
0B6 - Mixed Juice
0B7 - Sandwich
0B8 - Pickled Turnips
0B9 - Fries
0BA - Pickles
0BB - Strawberry Jam
0BC - Strawberry Milk
0BD - Tomato Juice
0BE - Popcorn
0BF - Pumpkin Pudding
0C0 - Happy Eggplant
0C1 - Sweet Potato Recipe
0C2 - Roasted Potatoes
0C3 - Greens
0C4 - Scrambled Eggs
0C5 - Omelet
0C6 - Boiled Egg
0C7 - Hot Milk
0C8 - Butter
0C9 - Cheese Cake
0CA - Cheese Fondue
0CB - Apple Jam
0CC - Apple Pie
0CD - Bamboo Rice
0CE - Mushroom Rice
0CF - Truffle Rice
0D0 - Grape Jam
0D1 - Sushi
0D2 - Chirashi Sushi
0D3 - Jam Bun
0D4 - Raisin Bread
0D5 - Dinner Roll
0D6 - Sashimi
0D7 - Grilled Fish
0D8 - Pizza
0D9 - Pasta
0DA - Noodles
0DB - Curry Noodles
0DC - Tempura Noodles
0DD - Fried Noodles
0DE - Tempura
0DF - Cookie
0E0 - Ice Cream
0E1 - Cake
0E2 - Food Fiasco
0E3 - Milk G
0E4 - Cheese G
0E5 - Mayonnaise G
0E6 - Yarn G
0E7 - Wool G
0E8 - Egg G
0E9 - Can
0EA - Message In Bottle
0EB - Boot
0EC - Dead Fish
0ED - Carp
0EE - Char
0EF - Catfish
0F0 - Squid
0F1 - Angler
0F2 - Sea Bream
0F3 - Chocolate
0F4 - Chocolate Cookies
0F5 - Chocolate Cake
0F6 - Moonview Dumplings
0F7 - Bracelet
0F8 - Necklace
0F9 - Earrings
0FA - Bandage
0FB - Relax Tea Leaves
0FC - Relaxation Tea
0FD - Fruit Latte
0FE - Veggie Latte
0FF - Mixed Latte
100 - Perfume
101 - Cliff's Photo
102 - Letter
103 - Invitation
104 - Woodcutter Book
105 - Picturebook Of People
106 - Adult Dog
107 - Young Dog
108 - Cat
109 - Chicken
10A - Chick
10B - White Rabbit
10C - Brown Rabbit
10D - Squirrel
10E - Fox
10F - Monkey
110 - Snake
111 - Crab
112 - Butterfly
113 - Butterfly 2
114 - Beetle
115 - Stag Beetle
116 - Cicada
117 - Dragonfly
118 - Cricket
119 - Lady Bug
11A - Grasshopper
11B - Triangle Sandwich
11C - Deluxe Sandwich
11D - Riceball
11E - Red Bean Bun
11F - Pizza
120 - Meat
121 - Toast
122 - Egg N
123 - Egg G
124 - Egg E
125 - Popuri's Egg
126 - Mystic Berry
127 - Unclear Message In Bottle
128 - Spring Seeds
129 - Summer Seeds
12A - Spring Seeds
12B - Toy Chick
12C - Cow Reins
12D - God Map
12E - Ketchup
12F - Rice Omelet
130 - Salad
131 - Apple Pie
132 - Cheese Cake
133 - Cookie
134 - Water
135 - Roasted Corn
136 - Pasta
137 - Pizza
138 - Junk Ore
139 - Aja Grapes
13A - Dead Weed
13B - Winter Stone
13C - Winter Branch
13D - Winter Lumber
13E - Water
13F - Mayonnaise Maker
8.) Max Animal Hearts and Affection
Max Hearts Dog
300759FA 00FF
Max Hearts Horse
30075AEA 00FF
Max Hearts Chicken 1
30074302 00FF
Max Hearts Chicken 2
300743B6 00FF
Max Hearts Chicken 3
3007446A 00FF
Max Hearts Chicken 4
3007451E 00FF
Max Hearts Barn Animal 1
30074A0A 00FF
Max Hearts Barn Animal 2
30074AC2 00FF
Max Affection Cow 1
80074A0A 010E
Max Affection Cow 2
80074AC2 010E
Max Affection Cow 3
80074B7A 010E
Max Affection Cow 4
80074C32 010E
Max Affection Cow 5
80074CEA 010E
Max Affection Cow 6
80074DA2 010E
Max Affection Cow 7
80074E5A 010E
Max Affection Cow 8
80074F12 010E
Max Affection Cow 9
80074FCA 010E
Max Affection Cow 10
80075082 010E
Max Affection Cow 11
8007513A 010E
Max Affection Cow 12
800751F2 010E
Max Affection Cow 13
800752AA 010E
Max Affection Cow 14
80075362 010E
Max Affection Cow 15
8007541A 010E
Max Affection Cow 16
800754D2 010E
Max Affection Cow 17
8007558A 010E
Max Affection Cow 18
80075642 010E
Max Affection Cow 19
800756FA 010E
Max Affection Cow 20
800757B2 010E
9.) Misc. Codes
Maximum Harvest Sprite's Affection
8007A64E 010E
8007A746 010E
8007A83E 010E
8007A936 010E
8007AA2E 010E
8007AB26 010E
8007AC1E 010E
Max Stamina
80071A12 003C
Have Maxed Power Fruit
800712BC 000A
Max Rucksack Storage
80071A1E 0002
Zero Dead Animals
80127232 0000
Salam Blogger...!
Cara Ngisi Codenya bgmna??
BalasHapusCaranya :
Hapusbuka PEC > tekan F3 > Klik add cheat > beri nama harvest moob back to nature pada title > ada 2 kotak yang satu panjang dan yang satu pendek > masukkan code gameshark yang anda pakai >kotak panjang untuk code yang pertama >kotak pendek untuk code kedua > klik add
terima kasih telah berkunjung
gmn cara jalanin game'y di psx emulator ?
BalasHapuscaranya buka psx emulator > klik file > Run Iso > cari file ISO yang agan punya (file yang berformat .img atau .bin) > lalu klik open > selesai tinggal main
HapusTerima kasih atas kunjungan dan komentarnya
mau nanany bos semuanya udah ngerti yang gw ga tau bagaimana car isi item modifier nah yg gw pusing itu 1 hari 1 malem ga ngerti!
BalasHapusitem modifier itu maksudnya apa gan?
Hapus7.) Quantity Digits for Item Modifier Codes
000 - Nothing
001 - Sickle
002 - Copper Sickle
003 - Silver Sickle
004 - Gold Sickle
005 - Mystrile Sickle
006 - Hoe
di isinya kan ada buat TOOLBOX - RUCKSACK - REFRIGRATOR _ equipped -
item modifier itu cara ngisinya gampang gan
Hapusagan cari kode diatas yang belakangnya ???
nah sebagai pelengkapnya ialah= 7.) Quantity Digits for Item Modifier Codes
lalu pilih code dari 7.) Quantity Digits for Item Modifier Codes lalu tambah ke item modifier yg belum lengkap
kasih tau dong gan contohnya
Hapuskasih tau dong contohnya
Hapustengok aja di
Hapusmas caranya invite number codes di harvest moon back to nature gimana??
BalasHapusmaksudnya number codes itu yang mana ya?
Hapusmaaf saya kurang ngerti
Mengenai settingan, saya akan menampilkan gambar dari konfigurasinya:
Hapus1. Download “PEC”, lalu pindahkan ke folder tempat ePSXe berada masukan ke folder “Plugin”, klik kanan pilih “Extract Here”.
Berikut Gambarnya:
2. Setelah di Extract, jalankan ePSXe lalu pilih Video Pluginnya, klik Config => Video, lalu pilih Video Plugin-nya (PSX EMULATION CHEATER 2.5) kemudian klik ok. Berikut gambarnya :
3. Kali ini game yang saya mainkan adalah Harvest Moon Back to Nature, karena game tersebut tidak ada di dalam daftar "PEC", maka saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat dan menambahkan Cheatnya. Kembali ke Folder Plugins jalankan “PEC”, lalu klik Menu File => User Database,
Berikut Gambarnya:
4. Lalu klik add Cheat, ubah nama titlenya menjadi Harvest Moon Back to Nature kemudian masukan code cheatnya klik add, setelah selesai klik ok =>yes. (Anda dapat mendapatkan code cheat Game Sharknya dengan membeli buku Harvest Moon: Back to Nature tersebut di toko Playstation atau mencarinya di google). Berikut Gambarnya:
5. Setelah berhasil membuat cheat, buka kembali User Database contrenglah Cheat Harvest Moon Back to Nature, lalu klik OK. Berikut gambarnya:
6. Lalu klik menu File=> Send Cheat To Plugin, jika berhasil maka akan tampil seperti
Gambar Berikut:
Mengenai settingan, saya akan menampilkan gambar dari konfigurasinya:
Hapus1. Download “PEC”, lalu pindahkan ke folder tempat ePSXe berada masukan ke folder “Plugin”, klik kanan pilih “Extract Here”.
Berikut Gambarnya:
2. Setelah di Extract, jalankan ePSXe lalu pilih Video Pluginnya, klik Config => Video, lalu pilih Video Plugin-nya (PSX EMULATION CHEATER 2.5) kemudian klik ok. Berikut gambarnya :
3. Kali ini game yang saya mainkan adalah Harvest Moon Back to Nature, karena game tersebut tidak ada di dalam daftar "PEC", maka saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat dan menambahkan Cheatnya. Kembali ke Folder Plugins jalankan “PEC”, lalu klik Menu File => User Database,
Berikut Gambarnya:
4. Lalu klik add Cheat, ubah nama titlenya menjadi Harvest Moon Back to Nature kemudian masukan code cheatnya klik add, setelah selesai klik ok =>yes. (Anda dapat mendapatkan code cheat Game Sharknya dengan membeli buku Harvest Moon: Back to Nature tersebut di toko Playstation atau mencarinya di google). Berikut Gambarnya:
5. Setelah berhasil membuat cheat, buka kembali User Database contrenglah Cheat Harvest Moon Back to Nature, lalu klik OK. Berikut gambarnya:
6. Lalu klik menu File=> Send Cheat To Plugin, jika berhasil maka akan tampil seperti
Gambar Berikut:
BalasHapusCAra naktifin cheat harvestmoonnya gimana ????
BalasHapusCara ngeaktifin cheats harvestmoonnya gimana ????
BalasHapuspertama buka pec kalo bisa versi 0.2.4 biar gampang
Hapuskalo pake pec versi 0.2.4 caranya>buka pec terus ke procces>terus selec aplication habis gitu ganti>terus pencet Basic adress Search>habis gitu ganti juga disisinya ada search lalu pencet>terus ada baccan advanced terus pencet deh>keluarkan terus pencet sellect procces ganti sama psxfin.exe nanti ada di situ tapi hatrus diisi dulu yg tadi>nah kalo udah ke costum copy dan paste cheatnya ke costum selesai deh
gan ane kan udah masukin modifier codes yg pizza munculnya itemnya dmn tuh
BalasHapusdan kan ane modifier codes yg Adamantite udah muncul tapi kok jadi error
#mohon penjelasanya gan
gan kl maksud dari Toolbox 6,7,8 Items,maksudnya apa ya ?
BalasHapusmhon pnjlasannya,,
kak yg modifier tuh maksudnya di gimanain tolong dong di screenshoot in dong kk
BalasHapuslink game sharknya share dong. bingung nih yg mana. bnyak iso yg bertebaran di internet tpi gk bisa dipake. yang parahnya lagi ada yg mau tapi cuma nyampe selese kluar logo ps abistu gk da yg muncul-muncul
BalasHapusnih saya kasih cheatnya
Hapus80071a8a 0???
$000 Nothing
$03A Stone
$03E Branch
$03F Lumber
$040 Weeds
$041 Turnip
$042 Potato
$043 Cucumber
$044 Strawberry
$045 Cabbage
$046 Tomato
$047 Corn
$048 Onion
$049 Pumpkin
$04A Pineapple
$04B Eggplant
$04C Carrot
$04D Sweet Potato
$04E Spinach
$04F Green Pepper
$050 Grass
$051 Moon Drop Flower
$052 Pink Cat Flower
$053 Blue Magic Red Flower
$054 Red Magic Red Flower
$055 Toy Flower
$056 Orange Cup Fruit
$057 Apple
$058 Bamboo Shoot
$059 Wild Grape
$05A Mushroom
$05B Poisonous Mushroom
$05C Truffle
$05D Blue Grass
$05E Red Grass
$05F Green Grass
$060 Mystrile
$061 Orichalcum
$062 Adamantite
$064 Basket
$065 Dog Ball
$066 Coin
$067 Power Berry
$068 Fodder
$069 Chicken Feed
$06A Fodder
$06B Chicken Feed
$06C Fish Food
$06D Rucksack Level 2
$06E Rucksack Level 3
$06F PocketStation
$070 Gift Wrap
$071 Vase
$072 Knife
$073 Frying Pan
$074 Pot
$075 Mixer
$076 Whisk
$077 Rolling Pin
$078 Oven
$079 Seasoning Set
$07A Gold
$07B Silver
$07C Copper
$07D Carp Print
$07E Char Print
$07F Catfish Print
$080 Squid Print
$081 Angler Print
$082 Sea Bream
$083 Beehive
$084 Fish Food
$085 Orange Cup Fruit
$086 Egg
$087 Spaboiled Egg
$088 Mayonnaise S
$089 Mayonnaise M
$08A Mayonnaise L
$08B Milk S
$08C Milk M
$08D Milk L
$08E Cheese S
$08F Cheese M
$090 Cheese L
$091 Wool S
$092 Wool M
$093 Wool L
$094 Yarn S
$095 Yarn M
$096 Yarn L
$097 Honey
$098 SUGDW Apple
$099 Riceballs
$09A Bread
$09B Bodigizer
$09C Bodigizer XL
$09D Turbojolt
$09E Turbojolt XL
$09F Wine
$0A0 Grape Juice
$0A1 Fish L
$0A2 Fish M
$0A3 Fish S
$0A4 Gift
$0A5 Oil
$0A6 Flour
$0A7 Curry Powder
$0A8 Set Meal
$0A9 Wild Grape Wine
$0AA Milk
$0AB Water
$0AC Snowcone
$0AD Veggie Pancake
$0AE Fried Rice
$0AF Stir Fry
$0B0 Miso Soup
$0B1 Stew
$0B2 Curry
$0B3 Salad
$0B4 Fruit Juice
$0B5 Veggie Juice
$0B6 Mixed Juice
$0B7 Sandwich
$0B8 Pickled Turnips
$0B9 Fries
$0BA Pickles
$0BB Strawberry Jam
$0BC Strawberry Milk
$0BD Tomato Juice
$0BE Popcorn
$0BF Pumpkin Pudding
$0C0 Happy Eggplant
$0C1 Sweet Potato Recipe
$0C2 Roasted Potatoes
$0C3 Greens
$0C4 Scrambled Eggs
$0C5 Omelet
$0C6 Boiled Egg
$0C7 Hot Milk
$0C8 Butter
$0C9 Cheese Cake
$0CA Cheese Fondue
$0CB Apple Jam
$0CC Apple Pie
$0CD Bamboo Rice
$0CE Mushroom Rice
$0CF Truffle Rice
$0D0 Grape Jam
$0D1 Sushi
$0D2 Chirashi Sushi
$0D3 Jam Bun
$0D4 Raisin Bread
$0D5 Dinner Roll
$0D6 Sashimi
$0D7 Grilled Fish
$0D8 Pizza
$0D9 Pasta
$0DA Noodles
$0DB Curry Noodles
$0DC Tempura Noodles
$0DD Fried Noodles
$0DE Tempura
$0DF Cookie
$0E0 Ice Cream
$0E1 Cake
$0E2 Food Fiasco
$0E3 Milk G
$0E4 Cheese G
$0E5 Mayonnaise G
$0E6 Yarn G
$0E7 Wool G
$0E8 Egg G
$0E9 Can
$0EA Message In Bottle
$0F3 Chocolate
$0F4 Chocolate Cookies
$0F5 Chocolate Cake
$0F6 Moonview Dumplings
$0F7 Bracelet
$0F8 Necklace
$0F9 Earrings
$0FA Bandage
$0FB Relax Tea Leaves
$0FC Relaxation Tea
$0FD Fruit Latte
$0FE Veggie Latte
$0FF Mixed Latte
$100 Perfume
$101 Cliff's Photo
$102 Letter
$103 Invitation
$104 Woodcutter Book
$105 Picturebook Of People
$11B Triangle Sandwich
$11C Deluxe Sandwich
$11D Riceball
$11E Red Bean Bun
$11F Pizza
$120 Meat
$121 Toast
$122 Egg Normal
$123 Egg Gold
$124 Egg Excelent
$125 Popuri's Egg
$126 Mystic Berry
$127 Unclear Message In Bottle
$128 Spring Seeds
$129 Summer Seeds
$12A Spring Seeds
$12B Toy Chick
$12C Cow Reins
$12E Ketchup
$12F Rice Omelet
$130 Salad
$131 Apple Pie
$132 Cheese Cake
$133 Cookie
$135 Roasted Corn
$136 Pasta
$137 Pizza
$139 Aja Grapes
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